Steps to using the 3d printers
1. Download https://www.prusa3d.com/prusaslicer/ , free software for the printer that will slice your file into the correct format for the printer. The software is ALSO availalbe at the 3d Printer station computer.
Filament is 10c a gram
2. Book the printer - ENSURE you have enough time to complete the job, the slicer will give you an estimated time, they are usually several hours.
3. When you arrive at the library to print, go to the student worker near the printers to unlock the cabinet. If the student is not there, the IT office is near the reference desk and they have the key. If the IT person is not there, circulation has a key.
4. Upload your project using the USB slot on the printer and make note of the time it will take.
5. Please stay for the first few minutes to ensure your project is sticking correctly, if it is not, hit cancel.
6. You are free to leave while your project prints, please remember to come back at the estimated finish time.
7. When you arrive back the student will unlock the cabinet and they will take your print job behind circ, weigh it and put the cost on paper for the circ staff, you will need to pay for your item before recieving it.
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